Sunday, March 29, 2015

Don't Just Live

Have you ever sat down and thought about what's going on in your life? I think we become so numb to purpose when we go through our daily tasks like a ritual. It's not easy, but I have been trying to see my daily grind as the road to my future. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "live each day like it's your last." But have you really thought about that? What if life stopped today and all you had done was complain about the struggles you were facing that weren't even permanent?

I struggle with a lot of things on a daily basis, but I need to be reminded that everything I'm doing now is steps I need to to get to my goals. I have a lot of people who I make time for and its not easy to make arrangements to see everyone I need to. But when I think about how many people love and care about me, I realize that working out a crazy schedule is manageable and important to me. I want people to be able to rely on me and know I'm there to make life easier for them.

God has put a lot on my plate throughout my life so far, but I think He knows I can handle it. It's my hope that I can help as many people as I can to enjoy this beautiful life we are given.

I urge you to sit back today and think about where you are going and get excited about the days that it takes to get there.

Have a great Sunday y'all :)


Monday, March 16, 2015

A Year Ago

A year ago today I gave up living for myself and got baptized. Baptism had always been one of those things that I knew you didn't need to do to go to heaven, so I had always shrugged it off. There was one service in particular that really changed me. My pastor was talking about baptism as an outward expression of your devotion to God. I had never heard it put that way. Of course I wanted to tell everyone that I love Jesus and am committed to him. So the idea of baptism then became a no-brainer. I stood in line that morning as many people took their faith to the next level and couldn't wait for this moment. There's no magic when you put your head under the water, but I sure felt like a new person afterwards. I couldn't get a smile off my face. God has done incredible things with me in just a year and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me next 😊

Monday, March 2, 2015

Winter Beauty

Pretty winter scenes. {Although I am ready for spring to come as soon as possible} I think a lot of the reason I don't like winter is because of the indoor activities. I am such an outdoorsy person so being cooped up from cold weather it's safe to say I'm ready for spring and most of all summer.